Regional Organisations

All Regional Organisations news articles

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Logo released for the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives

'The release of the logo is another milestone for our journey to the official launch at…

World’s co-operators prepare for the ICA global conference in Delhi

'The conference theme is inspired by the motto of the Indian co-operative movement: peace, progress and…

Co-ops UK CEO joins International Cooperative Alliance board

'Challenges from climate change to inequality require co-operative solutions that transcend borders, and the ICA offers…

Co-op and Mutuals Economy report shows combined income of £165.7bn

'We need policies that create the right conditions for co-operatives to thrive'

Co-ops respond to Mario Draghi’s report on EU competitiveness

The report explores the challenges faced by industry and businesses operating in the single market

Cecop report points to stability among its member co-ops

64.5% of Cecop members reported that their co-ops are doing better or the same than the…

Women co-op leaders from Asia-Pacific look to a more equal future

Rebecca Harvey reports from an ICA summit in Vietnam for women leaders

Plotting a new future for democratic business in the UK

We catch up with Jonny Gordon-Farleigh of Stir to Action as he makes preparations for December's…

Cecop seeks members’ views European Cooperative Society statute

The consultation is open until 10 September.

Cwmpas calls for new solutions to Welsh wildlife crisis

'We need to move away from business models that take little account of potential risk to…

Scottish farm co-ops apex SAOS appoints new chair

Rory Christie steps into the role, with Andy McGowan, another familiar face in the Scottish farming…

Research from Coop France looks at gender equality in nation’s co-ops

Men earn 11.2% more than women in co-operatives, compared to 17.9% in the rest of the…