
All Oceania news articles

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New Zealand co-operators pay tribute to ‘trailblazer’ Brian Cameron

As first chair of apex Cooperative Business NZ, Cameron helped steer crucial legislation for the national…

New Zealand’s co-op sector hands out its annual awards

Co-op/mutual of the year went to farmer-owned insurer FMG, honouring its disaster support and community initiatives

Australia’s Bunya Fund for co-op development opens for new applications

BCCM says the fund 'plays a pivotal role in supporting a range of projects that embody…

Co-op model can help fix problems of Australia’s supermarket sector, says BCCM

The co-op and mutuals apex was responding to an inquiry into the sector by regulator ACCC

Fonterra to merge New Zealand and Australian businesses

The new business will be known as Fonterra Oceania

Woccu urges for proportional regulation for New Zealand’s credit unions

New Zealand has five credit unions serving 150,000 members

Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives opening branch in Fiji

The move is part of KFCC's overseas financial inclusion work

Norco dairy co-op rebuilds for future flood resilience

'When I see all the staff back in the room, seeing old faces, it's nice, it's…

End of year Q&A: Roz Henry, CEO, Cooperative Business New Zealand

'This past year has seen a significant increase in groups looking to establish co-op as a…

NZ dairy co-op Fonterra announces target for on-farm climate emissions

'The co-op’s approach will be to work alongside farmers, not against them, as we collectively make…

Australia’s Norco dairy survives catastrophic flood to post $9.1m profit

The co-op is getting ready to reopen its Lismore ice cream factory after a multi-million dollar…

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service calls for support against ‘setbacks and challenges’

'Our people have faced many setbacks and challenges over the last 235 years, and we have…