Romania and Spain to strengthen co-operation on social economy

‘I want Romania to take over the good practices from Spain in the field of social economy’

Romania’s minister of labour, Simona Bucura-Oprescu met with Spain’s deputy prime minister and minister of labour and social economy, Yolanda Diaz Perez, in Madrid, where they agreed to deepen co-operation between the two states.

The meeting builds on the relationship between the two ministries, which signed a memorandum of understanding on co-operation in the field of social economy in November 2022.

At the meeting, Bucura-Oprescu (pictured, centre, with Perez) requested Spain’s support to assess Romania’s social economy landscape and develop a growth strategy. She also participated in a high-level conference organised in Madrid, on Europe Day (9 May), where she emphasised the importance of the social economy, highlighting its potential in the green and digital transitions.

“Before 1990, Romania had a strong social economy, and Spain is currently a role model in this field, considering that it contributes about 10% of GDP to the Spanish economy,“ said Bucura-Oprescu in a press release.

“I want Romania to take over the good practices from Spain in the field of social economy, and the experience of Victor Meseguer Sanchez, special commissioner for social economy, one of the best experts in Europe, I want to be used in Romania as well.”