Eight tips for co-op apex organisations

How can co-operative apex bodies improve efficiency? 

This was the question explored at two events in Quebec ahead of the International Summit of Co-operatives. Here are eight brilliant ideas we heard during the conversations… 

  1. Have quality data on the sector …
  1. … but don’t just focus on numbers – tell individual stories!
  1. Be patient and see how data can be used for different audiences
  1. Share your information with other apex bodies – invest in tools together and tell each other’s stories
  1. Actively engage with governments and make the case for co-ops
  1. Play match-maker – bring together different co-operatives interested in striking new business partnerships
  1. Practise what you preach – larger co-ops should be helping smaller co-ops
  1. Don’t limit yourself to borders, but adopt technologies other co-ops have already implemented. If you have that technology, share it!