UKSCS calls for papers for online workshop and special issue on co-op education

The UK Co-operative Researchers Network is working with the journal’s editors to look at the subject ‘in its broadest sense’

The UK Society for Co-operative Studies is calling for papers for its online workshop and special issue on co-operative education. 

The online workshop and issue will consider co-operative education in its broadest sense, looking at “learning about co-operation, for co-operation, by co-operation, and through co-operation”.

“We are interested in co-operative education wherever it takes place: within co-operatives, co-operative schools, co-operative higher education, co-operative workplaces, and without specifically co-operative contexts,” reads the call. “Papers on how co-operatives are taught within non-co-operative contexts such as business schools will be of interest and also other spatial contexts such as the platform economy.”

Abstracts for the online workshop and special issue can be sent by 12 June. During the workshop, which will take place on 12 September, authors will be able to present briefly, summarising and reflecting on their papers. Attendees will have access to the papers in advance. The organisers are also welcoming proposals for other sessions, formats and interventions.

The selected papers will then be expanded for a special journal issue – either to shorter 2,000-4,000-word articles or full-length research pieces 4,000-7,000 words. The accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal in 2024.

Topics of interest include how co-operative education can respond to questions of cognitive justice, the role of co-operative education in economic and social transformations; co-operative pedagogies theorised or applied in any context; the contribution of co-operatives to poverty alleviation, economic advancement and social transformation in the Global South; the role of co-operative education in establishing the base upon which to estimate the success of co-operatives; any aspect of co-operative schools, colleges and universities and the place of co-operatives within mainstream education.

The UK Co-operative Researchers Network (CoRNet) is working with the editors on this project. 

The full call for papers is available here. Enquiries can also be sent to: [email protected]