Nominations for NCBA Clusa’s 2025 board of directors now open

Deadline for nominations is 21 February

The national apex for US co-ops, (NCBA) Clusa, is seeking nominations for its board of directors.

NCBA Clusa’s board currently consists of 25 directors from a range of sectors and locations across the country, with five open seats this election cycle.

To be eligible for election, candidates must be either a director or a delegate of a co-operative member, associate member or an individual member of NCBA Clusa in good standing.

A nominating committee appointed by the current board will review nominations to verify each candidate’s eligibility, and will present them to the NCBA Clusa membership by 4 March, along with candidates’ biographical sketches, candidate statements and photographs published on the association’s website and in its newsletter, Co-op Weekly.

Voting in the online election, handled electronically through Simply Voting, an online platform for election services, will be open between 11 March and 10 April

The results will be announced at NCBA Clusa’s Annual Membership Meeting and Town Hall event on 6 May.

NCBA Clusa requested that nominees include their experience and commitment to equity and inclusion in their materials, stating: “As you consider running for the board, note that NCBA Clusa emphasises the importance of diversity in the board’s composition as well as NCBA Clusa’s vision to build a more inclusive economy through co-operatives.”

In addition to the nomination form, candidates are required to submit a letter of endorsement from their co-op, and a candidate statement detailing their reasons for seeking election, contributions they believe they would be able to make; and their position or ideas on any issues currently facing the co-operative community, the association, or its members.

Members interested must submit this form with requested supplemental material to the nominating committee no later than 21 February 2025. All materials should be sent to Sherry Goss at [email protected]