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Is there an ideal size for a co-op business?

The co-operative brand and model of doing business has taken a bashing in the public and…

Co-operatives make for a happy place to work

Co-operatives are businesses run by the people, for the people; so it makes sense that all…

Global corruption: a problem for cooperatives?

The 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives is proud to welcome several prominent international organizations actively involved…

Two European countries that have a strong cooperative presence: France and Italy

In this third article in a series about the global cooperative movement, we take a look…

Governance and Management structures in worker co-operatives

The other day a consumer co-operative Board member asked if I could send them some info…

What we could learn from French co-ops

Shame to see plans for SeaFrance to become a worker co-op have run aground.  This is…

Cooperatives have twice the lifespan of traditional businesses

Because cooperatives use their assets to capitalize their organization, their lifespan is twice that of traditional…

Global 300 co-operatives generate $1.6 trillion revenue

Three-hundred of the world's top co-operatives have generated over $1.6 trillion, according to the Global 300…

Non-member contracts expose cooperatives

New Zealand cooperatives are creating a dangerous precedent when they offer contracts that allow non-members to…

What’s a social co-operative, can it help create a Big Society?

Back in May 2010 Bob Cannell and I were attending a European Conference for worker co-operatives,…

UK Co-op Law in 2010: A Summary

In the UK, a body wishing to function as a co-operative is free to use any…