Power to Change

All Power to Change news articles

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Plotting a new future for democratic business in the UK

We catch up with Jonny Gordon-Farleigh of Stir to Action as he makes preparations for December's…

Greenwich Council launches commission to develop local co-op sector

The commission will look ways to meet local needs with a focus on community energy, co-operative…

Jeremy Hunt budget does too little for co-ops say sector representatives

Community business and co-ops need more support, say sector bodies, although there was a welcome for…

With an election looming, co-ops fight for space on the political agenda

'We need to embrace ideas that ensure that more people have an opportunity to gain more…

Democratic Business Summit looks for ways to support the sector

Report from the event convened by Stir to Action, Power to Change, JRF, and Lankelly Chase

Hunt statement fails to support co-op sector or empower communities, say critics

'Instead of shifting power and resources to local people, successive governments have continued to rely on…

Co-op movement responds to Sunak’s plans set out in King’s Speech

The Co-op Party, a group of energy co-ops and community business support body Power to Change…

New collaboration brings seven UK solar farms into community ownership

The farms are expected to generate £20m to support local projects in England and Wales, and…

Barefoot training programme relaunches to tackle need for co-op business advisors

'If we want to grow the new economy we have to support the growth of appropriate…

£2.2m fund launched to support community businesses across the UK

Co-operatives UK will deliver the investment, aimed at spreading the community shares model into neglected areas

Bristol Cable granted £40k from Power to Change to expand community tech

The award-winning media co-op will use the money to develop its platform and make it accessible…

Co-op venue Bread + Roses crowdfunds £20,000 in a week to save community space

The co-op’s stretch target of £30,000 would further secure the future of the member-owned cafe and…