All ILO news articles

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Co-op principles in care provision: a Colombian case study

'It’s important to value and respect what is already happening within the territory'

Report highlights role of co-ops in formalising the informal economy

Co-ops can provide a pathway to formalisation for all informal economy workers, says Streetnet International

Women’s co-op in Jordan grows business by forming new partnerships

Being part of a co-op makes women members feel empowered

Co-ops used to formalise economy in Senegal

The ILO highlights how its work is supporting Senegal's economic development through the 'strategic use of…

Co-operative audit training piloted in Jordan

The training was delivered to 17 practitioners

Co-ops on the agenda at the International Conference of Labour Statisticians

Speakers identified the need for more work on co-op statistics in different countries and for working…