Informal workers abandoned by the state are organising co-ops with union support
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Programme manager, Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy · International Labour Organization
ILO signs deal to provide training and data support to Jordan’s co-ops
'By working together, we can create a co-operative movement that contributes to building the foundation for…
From member-managed LLC to co-op reform for inclusive economies
An article by Trebor Scholz, Anne-Pauline De Cler, Michelle Lee, Morshed Mannan, Stefano Tortorici, looking for…
International project supports dairy co-ops in Ethiopia’s Somali region
Cattle farmers were supported through various initiatives to increase the quality of their produce
Farmers in Laos given lessons in the power of co-operation
The International Labour Organization, working with the Japanese government, is using its co-op training tools to…
Report highlights role of co-ops in formalising the informal economy
Co-ops can provide a pathway to formalisation for all informal economy workers, says Streetnet International
Women’s co-op in Jordan grows business by forming new partnerships
Being part of a co-op makes women members feel empowered
Co-ops used to formalise economy in Senegal
The ILO highlights how its work is supporting Senegal's economic development through the 'strategic use of…