co-operative principles

All co-operative principles news articles

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Working for change: UK co-ops and community organising

How can co-ops utilise organising practices when it comes to the seventh co-operative principle?

What do the ICA Guidance Notes tell us about principle 7?

Co-op law expert Dante Cracogna expands on the idea of concern for community

Could deliberative mini-publics improve democratic member control in co-ops?

Deliberative mini-publics involve selecting a diverse body of citizens randomly to reason together about an issue

Members’ money: UK retail societies and withdrawable share capital

From their earliest beginnings, co-operatives were set up to meet the needs of people, not to…

Where do the ICA’s co-operative principles stand on the environment?

Should the co-op movement add an another principle to make clear their commitment to protecting the…

Covid-19: We need the co-op identity more than ever, says NCBA chief

Doug O'Brien, chief executive and president NCBA CLUSA, says the movement's principles offer a 'stabilising force'

How co-ops can make money by supporting other co-ops

CCH board members Mick O’Sullivan and Richard Pearl advised members on how they could better manage…

UK co-ops come together in show of solidarity for Northern Syria

‘Rojava is now under threat of a full-scale attack and invasion from Turkey’

Co-operatives UK presents framework and guidance around Key Performance Indicators

Co-operatives UK presented its draft framework and guidance at the Practitioners Forum in Manchester

How a human chain made world news of a small co-op bookstore

When Southampton's October Books invited volunteers to help the move to its new home, it hit…

Powered by principle six: How electric co-ops join forces to maintain growth

The latest in a series of alliances forged by Texas Electric Cooperatives shows how collaboration can…