
All Italy news articles

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How Italian co-ops are fighting the mafia through sustainable agriculture

Across Italy social and agricultural co-ops are bringing back prosperity and dignity to territories with a…

Taking steps to meet the long-term needs of refugees

Europe is facing its biggest displacement of people since the Second World War and attention is…

Co-op Italia to open testing base in Ireland to source antibiotic-free red meat

In a first among major EU retailers, Coop Italia wants to source beef only from cattle…

Italian co-op’s ‘supermarket of the future’ transforms the shopping experience

Italy’s largest supermarket chain Coop Italia has unveiled its “supermarket of the future” which offers an innovative…

Coop Italia customers to increase spending in 2017

A survey conducted by Coop Italia suggests consumers are likely to increase their spending on food in…

Italy’s new co-op giant should remember its rich history

Italy has a long and successful tradition of co-operative enterprise. The first co-operatives began in the…

The Marcora Law: an effective tool of active employment policy

Camillo De Berardinis, managing director of CFI, (Cooperazione Finanza Impresa – Cooperation Finance Enterprise), looks at how the Marcora…

Co-operative towns around the world

Devoto: the Argentinian village that ‘breathes’ co-operation Over one third of the population in the town…

What’s a social co-operative, can it help create a Big Society?

Back in May 2010 Bob Cannell and I were attending a European Conference for worker co-operatives,…