New book on co-operatives and the world of work is available for pre-ordering

The volume traces the historical connection between co-operatives and the world of work

Book cover
Cooperatives and the World of Work will be published by Routledge

A new book exploring the role of co-operatives in the context of a changing world of work will be published to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the International labour Organisation (ILO).

Cooperatives and the World of Work will be launched at the ILO – International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) Joint Conference on Cooperatives and the Future of Work on 24 June in Geneva.

It traces the historical connection between co-operatives and the world of work – running from the ILO’s foundation in 1919 to the modern day trends of shift-working and restructuring.

Co-operatives were created at a time when the world of work was undergoing one of its biggest transformations since the Industrial Revolution. Similar challenges are present today, with the emergence of the gig economy and a growing tendency towards profit maximisation. The book analyses the major trends affecting the world of work, in terms of demography, technology, economy and environment.

Individual chapters are written by experts in their respective fields, who challenge the narrow understanding of co-operatives as a mere business, emphasising their ability to respond to social change and generate innovative solutions.

The book is the result of a join project between the ILOthe Committee on Cooperative Research of the ICA and CICOPA. It is edited by Bruno Roelants, director general of ICA; Hyungsik Eum, data analyst at CICOPA; Simel Eşim, head of the Cooperatives Unit of the ILO; Sonja Novkovic, chair of the Committee on Cooperative Research of the ICA; and Waltteri Katajamäki, technical officer on Rural Economy at the ILO in Geneva.

The book is already available to pre-order from publisher Routledge.