Member update: How membership has changed

At Co-op News we provide a service for our readers: this service is independent, relevant, knowledgeable journalism about the co-operative movement – both in the UK and abroad.

But to deliver this service, it’s important that we have an engaged membership. Our members are organisations and individual people – however, previously, readers were not always members, and members were not always readers.

Happily, the relationship between member and reader has already been strengthened through a rule change last year that ensures membership and subscription are the same thing. The rule change, voted for by members at our AGM, signs all subscribers up to membership. This is open to individuals and organisations.

Co-operative News is run by Co-operative Press, a multi-stakeholder co-operative owned by its members. Those members are made up of organisations and individual members.

There are two levels of membership: digital and print. Digital membership (£30 a year) means you will receive a digital version of Co-op News each month. With print membership (£60 a year) you will receive a printed copy of the magazine as well. Both levels of membership will support our independent co-operative journalism. As a member-owner, you can also take part in elections, receive updates from the board and join our open editorial meetings.

Are you a member? If you’re a direct subscriber to Co-op News, ie you pay for your own copy, then you are now a member. We are making contact with members through email and post for access details to our member area.

Are you a corporate subscriber? If you do not pay for your copy of Co-op News, it’s likely that your subscription is being paid for by another organisation. That organisation will be the member of Co-operative Press.

What happens to current members? Since the change in membership structure, only direct subscribers can be members. For members who joined before this year, we’ll be providing a free membership extension based on your share capital. We’ll be in touch directly this month with further details.

If you wish to speak to our directors or have any queries/suggestions about membership, please contact us through your membership area.